From Paranormal Activity to The Jealous One

Producers of surprise cult hit prep new thriller

The Hollywood Reporter’s Risky Biz Blog says that Sidney Kimmel Entertainment is in the process of acquiring The Jealous One, a spec from writer Carey Malloy and producers Steven Schneider and Jason Blum (whom also produced the surprise cult hit Paranormal Activity).

The project is a Hitchcockian thriller, based on Celia Fremin’s 1985 book, that centers on a wife who dreams she murdered a woman who might be tempting her husband, only to find the woman has in fact disappeared.

While Paranormal Activity director Oren Peli preps his next feature Area 51, which begins shooting next week, the producers behind the low budget cinema verité ghost story are prepping other new genre material as well. Jason Blum is in-development on Refuge at Mandate, while Steven Schneider is producing The Colony with Participant.

With The Jealous One so early in the development process, we’ll keep you posted on when that and their other genre projects move closer to production.

Source: THR Risky Biz Blog

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