Andor Season 1 Episodes 2 & 3 Recap, Theories, and Thoughts

Welcome back, Star Wars fans, to more Andor! I’ll admit I’m a little behind on this show, but there’s a lot of content lately and the whole three-episode launch really screwed up my life. That said, I’ve avoided spoilers like the plague, even though I’m fairly certain a pretty big action sequence occurs in Episode 3. Just to reiterate, I really liked Episode 1, but I’ve said that about a lot of Disney+ TV shows’ first episodes and many haven’t been able to keep that momentum.

Anyway, let’s dive into Episode 2, titled “That Would Be Me.”

(Wow, this episode is only 30-minutes long? What’s the deal Disney?)

What Happened in Andor Season 1 Episode 2

We basically open immediately after the end of the first episode with young Cassian Andor running with his mates on Kenari. The Lost Boys search for a wrecked spacecraft deep in the jungle …

In the present day, Bix logs onto a computer and immediately looks distressed — did she find Timm’s secret folder? Nah, she just saw that local authorities are looking for Cassian. Not good. Especially since Timm logs on to the same console immediately after to delete his browser history and discovers her browsing history. The plot thickens!

Elsewhere, Cassian arrives home to find B2EMO and Fiona Shaw’s Maarva Andor chillaxing. Personally, I think it should be illegal for actors to crossover into other franchises. In this case, all I see is Aunt Petunia from Harry Potter when I look at Maarva. This means I’m going to see Maarva whenever I watch Harry Potter from now on.

Maarva is onto Cassian’s BS and cuts right to the chase. “Who did you tell about Kenari,” she asks, stirring an argument. Apparently, they’ve always lied about where Cassian was from, telling people he hails from a planet called Fest (which “served as a regional headquarters and operations sector for the Rebel Alliance,” according to Wookiepedia.) He thinks a family member spoiled their secret. She blames all of those women he was with: “Femmi, Karla, Sondreen …” Dayum, Cassian! That’s more than triple the relationships I had as a young man.

“B-B-Bix,” B2 adds, unhelpfully.

“Nope, I told them,” Cassian says, recalling his “mess-up” at the brothel in Episode 1.

Their conversation is interrupted by a call from Bix. Cassian quickly meets up with her at a local restaurant, where she tells him the good news: the buyer is coming. Of course, Timm lurks nearby, looking positively pissed off. He thinks Cassian is making the moves on his would-be girlfriend and is not cool with that shit. Half drunk, he heads to a payphone to drop a tip to the authorities which …

… points Syril and Co. towards Cassian. The crew haul in the brothel worker from the first episode to confirm his identity.

Elsewhere, Biz heads to Timm’s apartment for some PG-Star Wars sex, which is actually refreshing to see. (The characters in this show feel like real people, right down to their personal relationships, however brief.)

Anyway, before their attack, Syril gets a nice moral boost via Alex Ferns’ Sergeant Linus Mosk, who wants to beef up security as much as the next guy and catch the bastard who murdered two of their fellow officers. So far, these “villains” are a welcome change of pace from typical Star Wars baddies in that they actually possess a little dimension as well as a respectable motivation — they are merely trying to uphold the law. I’m glad these aren’t just run-of-the-mill Stormtroopers.

We are then introduced to another new character: Stellan Skarsgård’s Luthen Rael, who arrives on Preox-Morlana looking all hot and bothered. (I just see Bootstrap Bill. Curse these crossovers!)

Meanwhile, Bix awakens next to Timm, sips some Star Wars coffee, and peaces out. “Where ya goin’,” Timm asks. “Eh …,” she replies. I mean, just tell the man what you’re up to. Chances are, he’ll understand, unless he’s a cold-hearted snake. Look into his eyes!

Maarva rummages through Cassian’s room. She happens upon a stick — one that looks similar to the one he used as a lad on Kenari. Time for another flashback! Our Kenari kids happen upon the wrecked ship and decide to explore, taking note of the numerous corpses strewn about the sight. One of them rises and shoots the pack leader with a “laser,” prompting the others to retaliate with blowdarts. It’s a regular Lord of the Flies. Kill the pig, slit its throat, spill its blood … The adventure ends for most of the clan, who head back to camp, but Cassian stays behind to explore the ship.

Back in the present, Cassian heads to a nearby spaceport (?) and asks a man called Xanwan for passage to Tassar (which Wookipedia describes as “a female Human native of Zakuul living during the Galactic War.” Wut.) We also learn (through a clever bit of exposition) that Kenari was abandoned and is considered a toxic environment, much like Twitter.

Meanwhile, Syril tries to rally his fellow officers with a rousing speech, but falls far short … Clearly, he’s in way over his head. “Best of luck to us all,” he states as Alex awkwardly claps in support. Syril is an interesting fella; an ambitious man seemingly capable of losing his shit at any moment.

Elsewhere, Luthen looks miserable on a transport, where a talkative extra notes that the planet Ferrix never seems to change. “If you can’t find it here, it’s not worth finding.”

Just below Luthen’s ship, we see Cassian posing for the promotional poster as a rock-heavy score plays over the soundtrack. Cue credits.

Andor Season 1 Episode 2 Final Thoughts

Okay, so that was Episode 2. We’re still getting to know our characters, so I’ll wait until after Episode 3 to pass judgment. Though, I will say this Star Wars show looks more polished than the others — less big-budget TV spectacle, more low-budget movie, if that makes sense. I dig it, though I will say Cassian is a little, ah, underwhelming thus far. We get that he’s a good guy based on how others treat him, but if he’s going to carry this series, my man Diego Luna needs to step up his game.

Anyway, it’s still far too early to come to any “greatest/worst TV show of all time” type of conclusions, so let’s just jump into the next episode — this one titled, “Reckoning” … which clocks in at 36 minutes. Oh boy!

What Happened in Andor Season 1 Episode 3

We open with young Cassian aboard the wrecked ship. He strolls about with staff in hand and surveys the gold-faced corpses. A door opens. He walks inside. Gets a load of his reflection — they don’t have mirrors on this planet — and freaks out. I do the same thing every morning, kid.

Back in the present, Cassian watches workers mull about a construction zone. Spots Brasso. Nods him over. The man comes running and is shocked to hear Cassian say: “I’m outta here. I have money coming, enough to pay back what I owe you. Keep an eye on Maarva, please. I’ll be back. I’ll find a way.”

“Huh,” Brasso says as Cassian runs off.

Luthen lands nearby, decked in a trench coat and sporting his own wicked staff. Bix takes note of his appearance and approaches — ah, so this is her guy. She gives Luthen the lowdown on Cassian’s situation. “We better be quick about it,” he says. “Do you trust him?”

“He’ll be there,” Bix says. Not exactly a ringing endorsement, but it’ll do.

Meanwhile, Syril and Co. board transports and head down to the planet.

We suddenly cut back in time and see a much cleaner-looking B2 guiding a much younger Maarva and another man named Clem (played by Gary Beadle) through the wrecked ship in search of parts. They hear Cassian freaking out in a nearby room and stumble upon the kid.

Before the trio can make introductions, B2 slides in and reports, “Republic frigate approaching,” and young Cassian is absolutely stunned to see a droid. It’s the little details, folks. Maarva quickly subdues the kid and hauls him away before the Republic arrives.

Back in the present, Syril and Co. land and make their way through the city. Brasso and his fellow workers take note of the “blues,” who rudely invade Maarva’s home … Bix arrives at work and notices Timm’s odd behavior … Syril interrogates Maarva, then goes after B2. Cassian’s voice comes over the droid’s comm, which somehow allows the officers to track his location … Luckily, Luthen finds Cassian before the bad guys do and makes his long-awaited introduction.

Cassian proceeds to barter with Luthen over the Imperial code box thingy…

Back at the shop, Bix discovers that Timm ratted out Cassian and leaves to help him. The look on Timm’s face says he knows he won’t get PG-rated Star Wars sex for a while.

Luthen continues to haggle with Cassian and has a lot of questions: Where did you get this device? How do I know it works? How did you get it? Etc.

Cassian just wants to do the deal and exit stage right. He’s got a ship to catch, after all.

“I’ll give you an extra thousand credits if you tell me how you got the Imperial box thingy,” Luthen says.

“You just walk in like you own the place,” Cassian explains. “They’re so proud of themselves, they don’t even care … they can’t imagine that someone like me could sneak into their base, spit in their food, eat their cookies, steal their supplies, etc.”

(Again, this show is directed extremely well. The dialogue is sharp, real, and natural. People actually behave like real human beings and recite dialogue that doesn’t feel like it was regurgitated from the Idiots Guide to Writing Sci-Fi manual. Good stuff.)

The conversation drags for too long. Cassian panics. “We should get moving,” he says. But Luthen has ulterior motives.

“I know you,” he says, bringing up Cassian’s father (Clem?), who was hung in the local square. “I want you to come with me.”

Our boy pulls a gun. “How do you know me?”

“I was hoping for a more relaxed conversation,” Luthen quips, “but you’re right, we don’t have time.” Long story short: “Don’t you wanna fight these bastards for real?”


Outside, the locals cause enough commotion to alert everyone of the incoming officers. Shops close down. People vacate the streets. They’ve obviously done this many times before.

Luthen feels a buzzing in his coat. Asks for Cassian’s comlink. Smashes it. “Rule number one: never carry anything you can’t control.” Sound advice, I say as I smash my cell phone. There’s a “clank in distance,” according to the subtitles. “Cassian gaps.”

“We’re surrounded,” Luthen says.

Biz arrives on the scene and quickly gets captured by the blues. If she were Galadriel, she would have decimated the entire crew on her own.

Inside, Luthen hits a button on a remote that blows the doors off the building. Whoa. A laser gun fight breaks out. Cassian goes for the Imperial box code thingy. Luthen covers him as chains and pulleys drop from the ceiling as a result of the explosions. This scene kicks ass.

Outside, Syril’s team tries to maintain order. One of the guards practically abuses Bix, leaving the poor girl bleeding. Timm arrives, sees the blood on his girl, and charges the officer. The bad guys raise their guns and fire. Timm takes one in the chest and crumples to the floor. (The music quietly escalates during these action beats.) Bix can do nothing but scream at the sight of her dead boyfriend.

Word reaches Syril that there are in fact two heavily armed humans nearby. The daft leader suggests his team separate.

Inside her home, Maarva takes note of the ongoing clanking sound outside (by the locals) and tells the remaining guards to prepare for the reckoning. I don’t know about you, but if a creepy old woman told me to prepare for the reckoning, I’d ask questions like, how does one prepare for the reckoning?

Eventually, the clanking stops. Somehow, silence is even worse.

Syril looks positively terrified. A gun presses against his head. Cassian. “How many are with you,” our boy asks. Syril quickly spills the beans all the while looking like he’s about to shit his pants. No judgment, I would too. Luthen wants to kill him, but Cassian drags him away instead.

Elsewhere, a panicked guard hops in a transport and takes off. Except, someone (probably Brasso) pulled an American Graffiti and tied a cable to the back of the spacecraft. The ship doesn’t go very far before the cable catches onto some debris, veers off course, and slams into a wall. The explosion alerts the other patrol officers. “We are so screwed,” they say.

Another guard finds Syril bound and gagged. Once freed, the Deputy Inspector rushes outside just in time to see a ground transport zip by. The vehicle draws enemy fire and explodes. For a second, Syril looks relieved — they actually did it! They won!  Then Cassian and Luthen cruise by on a speeder, middle fingers in the air. “Stand by for justice!”

Maarva remembers how she pulled Cassian from the wrecked ship, shots that are intercut with our boy fleeing the planet … a local unties Biz and pulls her away from Timm’s corpse … Brasso takes a sip of Star Wars beer … Cassian and Luthen cruise across the countryside … Alex snaps Syril out of his funk and urges him to flee the scene … Cassian and Luthen reach a ship … Young Cassian awakens in Maarva’s vessel and sees the sky … and our final shot is Cassian looking quite determined as his ship heads into space.

Cue the credits.

Andor Season 1 Episode 3 Final Thoughts

Wow. Just wow. Maybe it’s because I’ve seen so much disappointment from the Star Wars franchise lately, or maybe it’s She-Hulk trauma, but Andor (so far) feels like a cool drink of water after a long trek through a red hot desert. Sure, one could argue that the first three episodes might have worked better as one long 70-80 minute intro, but I’m not going to nitpick something this well crafted and lovingly assembled.

Star Wars isn’t hard, people. We’re not asking for Godfather levels of perfection, but rather a simple story packed with fun characters and competently executed action sequences. So far, Andor certainly checks all those boxes, even if it remains decidedly different from other shows set in that galaxy far, far away. No, Star Wars doesn’t need to be this serious all the time, but I welcome any course correction from the previous batch of slop we’ve received on Disney+ thus far.

So, what happens now? Obviously, Cassian must decide to take on the Empire in order to connect with the iteration of his character seen in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. But he also has to gain an even darker edge that allows him to execute fellow rebels without blinking an eye. In Rogue One, Cassian was all business — less a lovable Han Solo type and more of a cold-hearted drone who didn’t think twice about his orders. Something has to compel him to go after the Empire and willingly give his life for the Rebellion cause. I imagine his sister comes into play at some point, or Biz … Perhaps Luthen is more ruthless and cunning than depicted in this episode, leading to a dark journey that explores the gray areas lurking within the struggle between good and evil.

We can hope. And that’s just it: I actually feel hopeful that Star Wars can rise again and become something truly spectacular. Maybe Andor really is the kick this franchise needed to get back on the right track.

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