Check Out the Domestic Trailer for Norwegian Horror Fantasy Thale

The domestic trailer for writer/director Aleksander L. Nordaas’ Thale is now online and you can check it out in the player below. Right beneath it is the previous, international version, released last year along with a new poster.

Starring Silje Reinåmo, Erlend Nervold, Jon Sigve Skard, Morten Andresen and Roland Astrand, Thale is a fantasy horror thriller that follows two crime-scene cleaners who discover a mythical, tailed female creature in a concealed cellar. She never utters a word, unable to tell her story, but the pieces of the puzzle soon come together: she’s been held captive for decades for reasons soon to surface.

Although the poster is similar to the one released last year, the new design is a bit more colorful, playing up the fantasy aspect.

Thale hits theaters on April 5.

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