Glenn Close (Albert Nobbs), Tom Felton (the Harry Potter films) and Elizabeth Olsen (Martha Marcy May Marlene) are all negotiating to star in a big-screen version of Therese Raquin, Deadline reports.
First published as a novel in 1867, Emile Zola’s tale is arguably best known for its 1873 stage play version (also by Zola). The plot has the titular frenchwoman, Therese, plotting to murder her husband, Camille, with her new lover, Laurent. Though they successfully inact the deed, they find their subsequent married life haunted by the ghost of Camille.
Olsen would play the part of Therese and Felton, Camille with Close appearing as Madame Raquin, the aunt of Therese and mother of Camille. Two of the bigger parts that remain to be cast are Laurent and Michaud, a police officer and friend of Madame Raquin.
Charlie Stratton will wright and direct the film version. In 1995, he directed the Los Angeles premiere of a newer stage play adaptation of the novel by Neal Bell. It starred Leslie Hope (“The River”) in the role of Therese.
(Photo Credit: Daniel Tanner / FayesVision /