In 2013, stop motion animator Adam Pesapane, who goes by the creative name PES, was nominated for an Oscar for his stop-motion animated short film Fresh Guacamole, a follow up to the similarly themed Spaghetti Western (2008) in which random objects are used to make guacamole and spaghetti respectively. Now he’s back with a new installment, this one titled Submarine Sandwich and the rules remain the same.
To be honest, I don’t entirely “get” these shorts, but they are still somewhat fascinating.
Watch all three below.
Submarine Sandwich
[yt id=”EWEl8-PHhMI” width=”500″]
Fresh Guacamole
[yt id=”dNJdJIwCF_Y” width=”500″]
Western Spaghetti
[yt id=”qBjLW5_dGAM” width=”500″]
Behind the Scenes of “Submarine Sandwich”
[yt id=”v83rUnXMaJo” width=”500″]