CHUD has posted an interesting new rumor concerning Steven Spielberg’s proposed next film The Trial of the Chicago 7 currently expected to star Sacha Baron Cohen as Abbie Hoffman as the film follows anti-Vietnam War activists arrested at the 1968 Democratic Convention. CHUD sources, however, say the Cohen deal isn’t as “done” as it was expected to be. The reason behind such rumors was not known, but the CHUD boys don’t often post news unless they have it on good authority.
However, they do have a little bit of new casting news saying that Jeff Daniels and Colin Hanks are on Steven’s “get” list with expectations of Daniels playing Dave Dellinger, one of the oldest defendents in the case, and Hanks would be Rennie Davis, an SDS activist who was interested in political change rather than wholesale social change.
As interesting as this pic sounds I was really hoping Spielberg would be moving forward with Lincoln after Indiana Jones IV, but I guess we take what we can get.