Lucky Luciano Getting Big Screen Treatment?

Have you ever popped in The Godfather and just wondered when the next time we would ever potentially be able to revisit that world? Or perhaps GoodFellas and wondered what it would take for another film like that to come around. I know, like you I think it lies in the hands of Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro, because I don’t think this Untouchables prequel is going be anything more than shit.

However, PageSix brings to our attention that there is a property out there that just might turn the tide. Word is that producer Bob DeBrino holds the rights to the life story of Lucky Luciano, or Charles “Lucky” Luciano, or even more properly Salvatore Lucania. DeBrino holds the movie option to “The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano,” by the late Martin Gosch and former N.Y. Times reporter Richard Hammer and is taking the story to the studios.

The film would tell the story of the Sicilian-born mob boss who helped the U.S. win World War II from his prison cell by ensuring labor peace on the docks. The crime kingpin, who was freed and exiled in 1946, collaborated with the authors on the condition that the book not be published until a decade after his 1962 death.

So, here we are, in desperate need of movies to get us out of the superhero funk we are in. PageSix reports that DeBrino’s wishlist to play the lead character includes George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp. Personally I don’t think it matters who gets the role in as much as it matters who directs it.

After seeing Zodiac I wouldn’t mind if Fincher took a stab at it, of course Scorsese comes to mind, but I also wouldn’t mind someone like Chris Nolan, Ridley Scott or even Peter Berg (I have that much confidence in The Kingdom) took a shot at it. The potential to once again knock the socks of audiences with a hardcore mob film is ripe for the taking and I hope they don’t muck it up.

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