Jackson Will Revive Saruman for “Return of the King” DVD

As expected the often mentioned seven-minute scene with Christopher Lee’s Saruman that was initially created for The Two Towers will make it to the Return of the King DVD director Peter Jackson told SCI-FI Wire.

Jackson told the on-line mag, “It was a scene we shot for The Two Towers, and when we cut that movie last year, we tried [to include it] then,” he said in an interview. “But we felt it was anticlimactic. … We had some Gollum scenes that we had to wrap up the film at the end with, so the seven minutes of return to Isengard didn’t feel like it was a good place to have it.”

Jackson also said that he may be including the scene on the initial DVD release as opposed to holding it or the extended edition DVD so we may be able to see the white wizard a little earlier than expected.

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