Created by Swifty Lang, Michael Lapinski, and Chris Mangun, Feeding Ground was the first full-length graphic novel to be published in hardcover simultaneously in English and Spanish. Alfonso Gomez-Rejon is set to direct and screenwriter Carlos Coto will adapt for the screen.
Feeding Ground tells the story of a coyote, a trafficker of illegal immigrants, forced to smuggle his family into America by crossing the most forbidding part of the Arizona/Mexico border, a searing no-mans-land known as The Devils Highway. Along the way, he and his family clash with U.S. Border Patrol agents, only to realize that the entire party is being hunted by the real monsters that roam the countryside – werewolves.
Feeding Ground is an intense and terrifying thriller with a subtle but pointed commentary on immigration in modern America, said Pressman. The graphic novel is so cinematic in natureas soon as I read it, I knew we could make a film that would resonate with a wide audience. Alfonso and Carlos are the perfect talents to bring this vision to the big screen.
Born and raised in Laredo, Texas on the US/Mexico border, Alfonso began his career as personal assistant to Martin Scorsese, Nora Ephron, Robert De Niro and Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu. He became a sought-after 2nd Unit director (Babel, State of Play, The Eagle, Eat Pray Love, Argo) before directing critically acclaimed episodes of Glee (Asian F) and American Horror Story (Birth), as well as numerous national commercials. He also conceived and wrote Chanels worldwide Bleu de Chanel campaign directed by Scorsese. Carlos Coto is currently a writer and co-executive producer of Nikita. He has previously written and produced for 24, Heroes, Journeyman, The Dead Zone, NCIS, and was a consultant on the Emmy-winning HBO film, For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story.
Pressman is currently in development of a reinvention of the 1994 hit film The Crow to be written by Jesse Wigutow (The Osterman Weekend) and directed by Javier Gutiérrez (Before the Fall) with Relativity.