George Romero’s Crazies Talk

What exactly is his involvement?

Right now, director Breck Eisner is in Georgia toiling away on the next horror remake to grace the screens: A redo of George Romero’s The Crazies. So far, confirmed actors involved include Timothy Olyphant, Radha Mitchell, Danielle Panabaker and Joe Anderson. Altogether they’re dealing with the military which attempts to contain a killer man-made virus that causes death and permanent insanity in those infected. Fairly faithful sounding in comparison to the original – but does Romero have anything to do with the film?

Over the weekend, attendees of Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors in Chicago got the answer to that question when ol’ George took to the stage. “I just actually read the script for the first time this weekend while I was here,” he said. “I was never involved with anything in creating the remake, and I have no involvement with the new version of The Crazies at all. I know they have me listed as one of the Executive Producers on the project, and honestly, I am not sure why. What I will say is that based on what I read, there are some really interesting things going on in the movie. I don’t know what their budget is or what the production value will be, but I think [The Crazies] has a decent shot of being a good movie.”

A fair endorsement. The Crazies opens September 25th from Overture Films.

Source: Dread Central

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