Created by Lee Daniels and Tom Donaghy, Star is a musical drama series that revolves around the eponymous Star Davis, her sister Simone, and her friend Alex as they form an all-girl musical group and pursue musical greatness while navigating personal trauma. The series premiered on December 14, 2016, with season 3 airing between September 26, 2018, and May 8, 2019. If you are wondering about Star Season 4 Release Date, this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all we know about Star Season 4 and whether or not it’s coming out.
Is there a Star Season 4 release date?
There is no Star Season 4 release date as Fox canceled the musical drama series after three seasons.
In May 2019, shortly after season 3 finished airing, Fox announced that Star would not be renewed for the fourth season. Series co-creator Lee Daniels confirmed the news in a social media post. “OK, so I’ve got some bad news: It ain’t happening,” he said in an Instagram video. “I tried my best, guys. You know, we got some incredible people. I mean, I can’t even list everybody. I’ll say it in a letter. But in a nutshell, it ain’t happening. I did my best. Just know that. Just like with Precious or Empire … The Butler, Monster’s Ball. The next thing I do is going to be Star. So I exist, and it will exist in all of my work. I love you, all of the fans that have supported us.”
The fans launched an online petition to revive the series without much success, and it remains canceled as of February 2024.
The cast includes Jude Demorest as Star Davis, Brittany O’Grady as Simone Davis-Rivera, Ryan Destiny as Alexandra “Alex” Crane Jones, Amiyah Scott as Cotton Brown, Quincy Brown as Derek Jones, Benjamin Bratt as Jahil Rivera, Queen Latifah as Carlotta Renee Brown, Miss Lawrence as Miss Bruce, Luke James as Noah Brooks, Brandy as Cassandra Augustine “Cassie” Brown, William Levy as Mateo Ferrera, and more.
Why Star Season 4 isn’t happening
Star Season 4 isn’t coming out because, as mentioned above, the series was canceled after three seasons. ComingSoon will provide an update if the circumstances change.
The official synopsis for Star reads:
“Star is a tough-as-nails young woman who came up in the foster care system and decides one day to take control of her destiny. She tracks down her sister, Simone, and her Instagram bestie, Alexandra, and together, the trio journeys to Atlanta with the hope of becoming music superstars.”