One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers

One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers & Manga Plot Leaks

The spoilers for the new manga chapter of One Piece are now out. It looks like we will be learning more about certain mysteries in the series. Here is a guide on the One Piece chapter 1095 spoilers and plot leaks.

One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers

List of One Piece Chapter 1095 spoilers

Some details regarding Kuma and his past are revealed.

The Vice Admirals help Saturn but he says he could have avoided Bonney’s attack if he wants. Saturn pulls the sword out and blood vanishes. He then attacks Bonney and Sanji using his eyes. The two are hit in the head and some blood comes out. Meanwhile, Kizaru’s still on the ground and apologizes to Saturn. Saturn says Kizaru’s working unusually slow.

Saturn attempts to step on Luffy but Franky puts his arm out. Sanji, Bonney, Franky, and Vegapunk can’t move because of Saturn’s power. Vegapunk thinks it’s a Devil Fruit ability. Saturn grabs Bonney, and Bonney says he killed her father.

There’s a flashback of Kuma telling Bonney about Nika. He copies Nika’s drum rhythm and the two dance. Kuma says he wants to be a hero who’ll free people like Nika. At present, Saturn says Kuma belongs to the Buccaneer Race, who committed a crime before. They have Giant’s blood which makes them stronger than usual.

In a flashback from 47 years ago, Kuma was born in Sorbet Kingdom. His father was from the Buccaneer Race while his mother was a regular human. A World Government agent at the hospital found out about Kuma’s blood test. His family was apprehended and they became slaves in Marijoa. After Kuma’s mother died, his father told him about the legend of Nika, which is passed down to the Buccaneer Race members. His father does Nika’s rhythm and starts dancing, but a Celestial Dragon shoots him in the head for being loud.

38 years ago, a Celestial Dragon says once every three years, they leave Marijoa and do a hunting game on a non-Government island. They let slaves go and eliminate them along with the island natives. The World Government then takes the island as their own. In that year, they chose God Valley. The king tried to stop them but Figarland Garling killed him.

Their hunting game hasn’t begun but Garling is the expected champion. Saturn is there and looks the same as he does in the present. Someone tells him the Buccanneer child slave that escaped was apprehended. We then see other slaves dragging Kuma. Two shadows show up and look at Kuma. They end up being fellow slaves, a young Ivankov and a girl named Ginny. Ivankov tells Kuma he wants to live, and asks if he does too.

One Piece Chapter 1095 will be out in the U.S. on Sunday, October 15, at 11 AM ET / 10 AM CT / 8 AM PT.

One of the One Piece mysteries is the Will of D. Here is a guide on One Piece: what the d stands for.

(Source: Kirosh2 on Reddit)

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