true detective season 4 night country episode 6 ending explained spoilers annie killer

True Detective Season 4 Night Country Episode 6 Ending Explained & Spoilers

Here’s the ending of True Detective Season 4 Night Country Episode 6 explained featuring spoilers. Dive into our breakdown and find out how the finale provides answers to all the mysteries.

Did Navarro die in the True Detective Night Country episode 6 finale ending?

Navarro did not likely die in the True Detective: Night Country finale’s ending.

The series leaves Evangeline ‘Siqinnaatchiaq’ Navarro’s fate open to interpretation. Towards the end, Navarro went on a spiritual journey walking into the vast icy openness after finding out her true native name. She talked to Liz about just leaving everything behind and disappearing into the ice. So, that’s exactly what she did after fulfilling her mission to find the truth.

She accepted that Annie ultimately got justice and she also left a video of Clark that exposed Silver Sky and stopped the mining that was polluting Ennis and killing natives.

Earlier in the finale, Liz told her that even when she walks away from the rest of the world, she should come back to her. So, there are two possible scenarios for what happened to her. One interpretation of the final shot with Navarro and Liz could be that the former died like her sister on the ice and returned to join Liz in spirit. The second could be that she was simply in hiding and reunited with Liz at a cabin away from Ennis.

The latter would give this dark show a happy ending. After all, Liz helped save Pete Prior by making his father’s demise seem like an accident. She got closure for her son Holden’s death and got closer to Leah. So, a reunion with Navarro would be the icing on the cake!

Who killed Annie and cut her tongue?

Annie was stabbed and killed by the TSALAL scientists, while it’s likely that her tongue was cut out by Hank Prior or Raymond Clark.

While looking for evidence proving how Silver Sky was funding the TSALAL operations, Annie found out how the latter was responsible for polluting Ennis. But while destroying their operations, she got spotted by the TSALAL scientists and was stabbed 32 times.

However, her lover Raymond Clark delivered the killing blow as he choked her to death to spare her the pain from the stab wounds and protect the work that could have changed the world.

But the mystery of her tongue was also left open-ended. Since Hank moved her body, it’s possible that he could have cut out her tongue. But a better theory would be to believe that Clark had cut it off and kept it hoping she’d stop haunting her.  

Who killed the TSALAL scientists?

Beatrice Malee, Blair Hartman, and other native women who worked at the TSALAL station caused the deaths of the TSALAL men.

Finding Hartman’s fingerprints on the hatch door, Liz and Navarro paid a visit to her and Beatrice. They revealed that since the scientists killed Annie K., the Iñupiaq women united to take their revenge on them. So, they attacked the station, kidnapped the scientists, and made them take their clothes off and run into the freezing landscapes of Alaska.

They left the fates of the scientists to Mother Nature and allowed Annie’s spirit to decide whether she wanted revenge. As a result, Mother Nature restored balance to Ennis as it froze the people who polluted the city and no evidence was found to incriminate the Iñupiaq women.

For more updates, find out where the series was filmed. Also, learn more about Stephen Amell’s Ted Black role in Suits L.A.

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