October Horror Movie Recommendation: High Tension

October Horror Movie Recommendation: High Tension

Every day for the month of October, Coming Soon is making a new horror movie recommendation for those eager to find a new frightening flick for Halloween. From the creepy goodness of a classy ghost story to a blood-spattered gorefest and everything in between, we’ll have something for every taste of horror. And today’s pick is…

High Tension

What’s High Tension about: Written and directed by Alexandre Aja, the French horror film (originally titled Haute Tension), centers around Marie (Cécile De France) and Alex (Maïwenn) who stop by Alex’s parents’ house for the weekend in the middle of nowhere, the perfect location for a vicious killer (Philippe Nahon) to strike. As the two friends and Alex’s family become targets of a sadistic psychopath, Marie quickly goes into survival mode and becomes a formidable foe against the vile antagonist.

Why High Tension rules: *Minor Spoilers* The escalation in the second half of the film makes the movie worth watching (despite the unfortunate dubbing issues). There’s a gas station sequence that is full of delicious tension from beginning to end and showcases De France’s impressive acting chops. The theme music for the movie is also a nice touch, but the true golden moment comes from one of the most unexpected and underrated twist endings that gives a whole new meaning to the unreliable narrator trope.

How scary is High Tension: This movie is not for everyone, as much of the horror is based on disturbing, graphic violence and unimaginable brutality. Less jump-scary and more an intense and gory cat-and-mouse game, the pacing of the movie gets to the point quickly but also allows the tension to bleed through minute by minute, escalating into a shocking climax.

Be on the lookout for: Fans of Dean Koontz may notice some strong similarities between the first half or so of the film and the author’s novel Intensity. Aja denied that the book had any influence on the movie, but did admit he had read the novel. Koontz and his team didn’t take action against Aja or the film, instead seemingly distancing himself from Aja’s work.

Where to watch High Tension: The movie is available to watch for free at Vudu and to rent for $3.99 at Amazon Prime Video. You can pick up your of the Blu-ray by clicking here.

CS October Horror Movie Recommendations:

October 1 – Session 9

October 2 – Bubba Ho-Tep

October 3 – City of the Dead

October 4 – Drag Me to Hell

October 5 – Opera

October 6 – It Follows

October 7 – Chopping Mall

October 8 — The Descent

October 9 — The Vampire Doll

October 10 — Poltergeist

October 11 — Jennifer’s Body

October 12 — Grave Encounters

October 13 — Dolls

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