Set to premiere on Disney Channel Friday, June 27, “Girl Meets World,” the spinoff of the hit 1990s sitcom “Boy Meets World,” has today debuted its opening credits. Check it out in the player below, courtesy of EW with the full credits song, “Take on the World” by Rowan Blanchard and Sabrina Carpenter, available in the bottom player.
Set in New York City, the new comedy series will tell the wonderfully funny, heartfelt stories that “Boy Meets World” is renowned for only this time from a tween girls perspective as the curious and bright 7th grader Riley (Rowan Blanchard) and her quick-witted friend Maya (played by Sabrina Carpenter) embark on an unforgettable middle school experience. But their plans for a carefree year will be adjusted slightly under the watchful eyes of Rileys dad (Ben Savage) whos also a faculty member and their new History teacher and Rileys mom (Danielle Fishel) who owns a trendy after-school hangout that specializes in pudding.