“The Following,” the upcoming psychological thriller from creator/executive producer Kevin Williamson (The Vampire Diaries, Dawsons Creek, the Scream franchise), is set to premiere on January 21, 2013 and today revealed an all-audience trailer, a Red Band version and a teaser poster. Check them all out below the official description!
The FBI estimates there are currently up to 300 active serial killers in the United States. What would happen if these killers had a way of communicating and connecting with each other? What if they were able to work together and form alliances as they left a trail of blood across the country? What if one brilliant and charismatic, yet psychotic serial killer was able to bring them all together and activate a cult of believers following his every command?
“The Following” is from Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Outerbanks Entertainment and Warner Bros. Television. The series is created, written and executive-produced by Williamson. Marcos Siega (Dexter, The Vampire Diaries) also serves as an executive producer and directed the pilot.
Check out the all audiences trailer in the player below and click on the poster to view the Red Band version: