Sarm Heslop
Photo Credit: Dateline via NBC

Dateline NBC: What Happened to Susann Sills?

Disclaimer: The article contains mentions of murder. Reader discretion is advised.

In November 2016, authorities discovered the dead body of Susann Sills in her San Clemente house. According to the investigators, Susann’s husband, Eric Scott Sills, woke up from his sleep and found his wife’s body at the end of the staircase. However, the injury marks on her body suggested that her death might have been a murder. The gruesome case will feature in this week’s episode of Dateline NBC. It will air on the network on Friday, May 3, at 9 p.m. ET.

According to Los Angeles Times, Eric Scott Sills told the dispatcher that his wife had no pulse after falling down the stairs. Another report by Los Angeles Times mentioned that the police investigated for over a year and suspected foul play in Susann Sills’ death. As the investigation continued, police apprehended Eric for Susann’s slaying by April 2019. During the trial, prosecutors alleged that Eric killed his wife by strangulating her after a heated argument.

Meanwhile, the defense said that Susann Sills took medicines for her migraine pains, which might have left her “disoriented” while walking down the stairs. Los Angeles Times mentioned how the defense tried to give an alternate explanation for the strangulation. The defense said that Sills’ body was found with a scarf around her neck. They told the court that one or both of the family dogs might have pulled the scarf, resulting in Sills’ death. However, the prosecution felt that it would have taken some time for her to die this way.

After listening to arguments, the jury delivered a guilty and sentenced him to 15 years to life in prison.

Susann Sills’ murder case explored

During the trial, prosecutors presented substantial evidence in front of the jurors. Even though they failed to provide a motive, the prosecution team suggested certain key evidence that indicated the couple’s tumultuous marriage and Eric’s involvement in his wife’s death. According to Los Angeles Times, prosecutors showed the couple’s text messages in which Susann Sills argued with her husband. One of Susann’s messages read, “I will never be free, ever. You are killing me, don’t you see? … I just want out.”

Prosecutors also asserted that Susann Sills posted her topless photo on the internet after losing a bet. They said, “Is that the reason he killed her? I don’t know.” However, they implied that he might have been embarrassed by that. Eventually, the jury found Eric Scott Sills guilty of second-degree murder instead of first-degree murder. The court sentenced him to 15 years to life in prison.

Currently, Eric Scott Sills is serving his sentence at the Wasco State Prison in Wasco, California.

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