Casey Anthony
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Is Casey Anthony Free?

Casey Anthony’s case garnered worldwide media attention as she was accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter. In June 2008, her daughter, Caylee Anthony, went mysteriously missing and a foul stench was discovered in her car trunk.

According to People Magazine, Casey claimed she hadn’t seen Caylee in a month and accused the babysitter of kidnapping the child. Nonetheless, she was charged with child neglect, making false official statements, and obstructing an investigation. She also faced murder charges later. By December, Caylee’s skeletal remains were found, resulting in a spectacular case

Casey stood trial in 2011 when a jury found her not guilty of murder and convicted her on some misdemeanor counts. She received a four-year sentence but walked out of prison shortly after and has been free ever since.

Where is Casey Anthony now?

Parade reported that Casey Anthony currently works for renowned investigator Patrick McKenna. She is employed as a legal assistant and also does accounting work. Casey, who was once accused of murdering her daughter, has also filed paperwork to launch her private investigative firm in 2020.

The outlet reported that McKenna, who was the lead investigator in the case, helped in Casey’s murder acquittal. The latter even went on to live with the investigator’s family following her release and also started working at his firm. The 37-year-old is not in touch with her father, George, anymore. He reportedly accused her of sexually assaulting her daughter Caylee.

However, People Magazine reported that the ex-convict made a shocking revelation and blamed her father for Caylee’s murder. She said, “He [George] was standing there with her. She was soaking wet. He handed her to me. Said it was my fault. That I caused it. But he didn’t rush to call 911 and he wasn’t trying to resuscitate her. I collapsed with her in my arms. She was heavy, and she was cold.”

Casey made this statement in compliance with the allegations thrown around at her 2011 trial. Her lawyer Jose Baez claimed that Caylee drowned in the Anthony family’s swimming pool and that George tried to cover up the accidental death. Baez also alleged that the father had molested Casey as a child.

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