If Google Translate is deemed a reliable enough translation machine, and I’m just going to assume it is, it sounds like Marvel’s first Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer will be attached to Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar when the film hits theaters on November 7.
I don’t know about you, but the first thought in my mind when I read that news was, “Will I have to sit through the end-credits to see it?” The obvious answer there is no, but I do think that would be pretty funny and also ironic, given Marvel’s love of the mid-credits sequence and the post-credits stinger.
Speaking seriously, I have to say the idea of an Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer doesn’t immediately spark my interest — Marvel‘s output is such a known quantity at this point a trailer for the studio’s upcoming blockbuster isn’t likely to make a difference in my interest level for the film.
Further, I assume this first teaser will be pretty much what we’ve come to expect, which is to say a combination of explosions, CG effects, sequences of the heroes in action, a tease of the villain, and some witty banter, all pieced together and set to a popular classic rock song. I’m sure that will ignite a burning desire within the bellies of a large swath of the Marvel fan base — in my experience, whoops and hollers generally accompany the first public devouring of trailers for these films — but I’m not leaning either way on this one.
That said, I know plenty of others will be very excited to catch this on the big screen, so if you’re one of those people, might I suggest seeing Interstellar in IMAX? After all, what better way to take in a trailer for what might be the new biggest film of all-time just before seeing what Matthew McConaughey has dubbed “the grandest adventure I think any of us will ever see on film.”
Speaking of Interstellar, a new TV spot for the film debuted during the AFL Grand Final (that’s A for Australian, not Arena), which you can check out below.
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