DreamWorks Animation has premiered the first trailer for their upcoming animated feature Mr. Peabody & Sherman directed by Rob Minkoff (The Lion King, Stuart Little) and based on Jay Ward’s classic cartoon about the world’s smartest person… who happens to be a dog.
Mr. Peabody (voiced by Ty Burrell) and his “pet” boy Sherman (voiced by Max Charles) discover someone has stolen their time traveling WABAC machine and is changing moments in history to disastrous results and only they can put a stop to this villain before his actions destroy the space-time continuum.
Additional members of the voice cast include Stephen Colbert, Allison Janney, Stephen Tobolowsky, Leslie Mann, Patrick Warburton, Stanley Tucci, Lake Bell, Dennis Haysbert and even Mel Brooks as the voice of Sigmund Freud.
The film will be hitting theaters on March 7, 2014, check out the trailer below.
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