NSFW: ‘Crank 2’ Red Band Trailer Triple Play

Over the weekend I saw the trailer for Crank: High Voltage about 100 times while watching the NCAA tournament and I asked a friend I was watching it with if it looked like Jason Statham was having sex with an old lady in it. He wasn’t sure, but he told me about the red band trailers and how he was surprised they were going to get away with an R-rating based solely on the sex Statham is seen having with Amy Smart in the trailer. I didn’t know what he was talking about since I hadn’t watched the red band versions yet and I’m not sure I want to since I think they tend to spoil a movie far more than the general audience versions, but I am not here to stop you from enjoying them.

Below you will find the two previously released Red Band Crank 2 trailers along with a new Red Band TV Spot from the UK which was just added over at Trailer Addict. Give ’em a peek and see what you think. I actually enjoyed the original Crank once I gave it a chance on Blu-ray and hope Lionsgate decides to screen Crank 2 prior to its April 17 release, but I’m not holding out hope.

Oh, and there is also a new viral website for Crank 2 you can catch right here, and it too is a bit on the not safe for work side.

Red Band Teaser Red Band Int’l Trailer

Red Band TV Spot
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