The official site for the upcoming cop thriller Edison has been unleashed. The film stars Justin Timberlake, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey, LL Cool J and Dylan McDermott in a story of an elite unit of cops caught in a maelstrom of corruption by a young journalist (Timberlake) who quickly finds himself in over his head. To find the truth and to save the lives of those around him, he must make an uneasy alliance with a burnt-out reporter (Freeman) and the DA’s ace investigator (Spacey).
The site features a wallpapers, a massive synopsis and photos among other things, but this is the first time we get a look at the trailer for the film. The only problem is that it is in Flash format so we can’t link you to it directly, but you can click here or on the pic above to check it out.
Also be sure to check out our gallery of six images, including the teaser poster for Edison right here.