The young cast for Sony’s The Kitchen Sink, a horror-comedy that follows a human, a vampire and a zombie as they band together to take on an alien invasion, is starting to come together with Mackenzie Davis (The F Word), Nicholas Braun (Red State) and Josh Fadem in talks for key roles.
Roughly a year ago, Robbie Pickering signed on to direct the movie based on the Black List-honored script by Oren Uziel with plans coming together for the film to start production over the summer with Matt Tolmach (The Amazing Spider-Man) producing. According to Variety, The Amazing Spider-Man‘s Flash Thompson, Chris Zylka, is also being eyed for a role after participating in a script reading.
Davis is thought to be a star on the rise as she’s currently at the Sundance Film Festival co-starring in Drake Doremus’ Breathe In with upcoming roles in The F Word opposite Daniel Radcliffe and the currently-filming Are We Officially Dating? with Zac Efron. Besides starring in Kevin Smith’s Red State, Braun had supporting roles in last year’s The Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Watch and will be seen in CBS Films’ comedy Get a Job. Fadem is a writer and creative consultant for the Cartoon Network’s “The Eric Andre Show.”
Jonah Hill was originally looking to star in the movie back in 2011 before Pickering was signed as director.
(Photo Credit: Dominic Chan/