Elizabeth Olsen Talks Oldboy

As the upcoming remake prepares for production in New York in Lousiana, leading actress Elizabeth Olsen spoke with Empire about what fans can expect from Spike Lee’s approach to both Park Chan-wook’s original Oldboy and the source material manga by Garon Tsuchiya and Nobuaki Minegishi.

“It’s not trying to redo the film – it’s coming at it from a different view,” Olsen says, likening the relationship between the two films to the Swedish Let the Right One In and the American Let Me In. “As well as focusing on the primary source of the Korean film, for our film there’s also the Japanese Manga, so we’re using the primary source of the illustrated novel, really.”

Lee’s cast also includes Josh Brolin, Sharlto Copley and Samuel L. Jackson and offers a western setting to the plot.

“It’s going to be a different story,” Olsen says, “just because, one, it takes place in a non-descript city in America, and, two, it’s ten years later, so technology is different. It’s practicalities that have had to change.”

Oldboy features a screenplay by Mark Protosevich and is produced by Mandate Pictures.

(Photo Credit: Lia Toby / WENN.com)

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