Michael Bay is taking a brief break from his widely successful Transformers franchise with the release of his black comedy Pain & Gain on April 26, 2013. After that, he’ll return for the as-of-yet-untitled Transformers 4 on June 27, 2014 and, in a new interview with The Huffington Post the blockbuster director discusses both projects.
“I thought I was done,” he recalls of previous claims that Transformers: Dark of the Moon would be his final entry into the franchise. “Then the ride came out and the two-and-a-half-hour lines. And then you’re thinking, ‘Oh my God, someone’s going to take this over?’ And you start doing a lot of soul-searching I’m thinking that if I do this last one, we set it on a new footing and we change a lot of things, but we keep the history of the three in place. But we broaden it so it can be set up and be carried on — it would have a better chance for survival, I guess The bottom line is, when you go to Universal Studios and you have the two-and-a-half-hour line, it’s hard to give it up. You birth a baby and you want to carry it on.”
Bay goes on to explain that this is “probably” his last Transformers and teases a bit about the direction Ehren Kruger is taking the screenplay.
“We’re basically taking from the history of where it was, or where we left it in Chicago,” he says. “And we’re going to carry it on from there.”
Previous reports have suggested that the fourth film will include a brand new cast of both human and robot characters. Check back for more details as they become available!