Casting continues on Paramount Pictures’ untitled G.I. Joe sequel. Following a report earlier this week that Dwayne Johnson is likely to join the cast comes, via The Hollywood Reporter, word that Elodie Yung is likely as well.
Yung, a French actress best known for her role in District 13: Ultimatum, would play Jinx, a ninja that joins the Joes. The actress will also soon appear in David Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
The entire cast of the original 2009 G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra is not slated to return, but Channing Tatum is expected to return as Duke, as is Ray Park in the role of Snake Eyes.
Though the specifics may differ in the film version, details of Jinx can be found on her original action figure file card, pictured below (courtesy of and the collection of Corey Stinson).