Thor Trailer 2 Screenshots

The new trailer for Thor hit yesterday (watch it here!) and we now have numerous screenshots from the clip that you can view here or by clicking on the image below!

In related news, Entertainment Weekly has posted two articles on an interview with the magazine did with director Kenneth Branagh. You can check them out here and here, though here are some (spoilerish) edited quotes on the three main villains in the film.

First: Thor’s brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston), a bitter sibling out to undercut Thor and usurp their father, Odin (Anthony Hopkins). “A brother who is unhappy is a dangerous relative to have,” director Kenneth Branagh tells EW.

Villain No. 2 is a bit frostier. “The story involves a clash with an ice planet,” says Branagh, “and the frost giants who live therein. They — as might be suggested by the name — are enormous creatures of incredible power who have been robbed of their power and glory by Odin, Thor’s father. What fuels a lot of this intense battle is revenge. This is an angry race, trying to get back at Thor and the Asgardians, the self-proclaimed guardians of the universe.”

The final villain is “an incredible war machine known as The Destroyer,” Branagh says. That’s the massive, metal giant whose face opens up to reveal projectile hellfire. “This series of metal bands form a giant, walking beast and open to reveal terrifying firepower,” he says, and the ruler of Asgard controls it. (Although maybe it responds to “Klaatu Barada Nikto“?)

“In the right hands, this incredibly powerful device — awesome in its killing quality — is potentially a creature of extraordinary protective powers,” says the director. “In the wrong hands, it is a nightmare.”

Thor opens in 3D and 2D theaters on May 6.

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