Meow, ECHL Hockey Plays ‘Super Troopers’ Cat Game in On Ice Interview

I’m not the biggest fan of Super Troopers, but I’m loving this interview from ECHL hockey player Ray Kaunisto of the Kalamazoo Wings as he plays the “Cat Game” from the film (see bottom of this post) in which you have to try and slip the word “meow” into your conversation as many times as possible. Kaunisto does a great job keeping a straight face and it seems the interviewer catches on at the very end. Good light stuff for a Friday… don’tcha think?

[yt id=”M6Cr8mBEtXs” width=”500″]

Back in 2012, Thomas DeCoud, then safety of the Atlanta Falcons also pulled this off…

[yt id=”GuypP7tJo0c” width=”500″ time=”21″]

And here’s the scene from the actual movie…

[yt id=”mXPeLctgvQI” width=”500″]

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