Last year, Eoin Duffy‘s The Missing Scarf was one of the ten animated short films shortlisted for the Best Animated Short Film category at the 2014 Oscars. It didn’t end up making the cut, but the award-winning short is now available online for you to watch in full and it’s definitely an interesting ride.
Narrated by George Takei, The Missing Scarf is a black comedy exploring some of life’s common fears — fear of the unknown, of failure, rejection and finally the fear of death — all from the perspective of a squirrel that goes looking for his missing scarf, and delivered under the misleading tone of a child’s storybook reading.
Now, what I would suggest is first watching the short teaser trailer and then the full short as a way to properly set the mood, because there is no real way to expect what comes in the end.
And now for the full short…