Bill Murray Sings Dylan’s ‘Shelter from the Storm’ in End Credits Clip from ‘St. Vincent’

I caught St. Vincent a couple nights ago after missing it in Toronto last month and I have to say, I’m surprised by the muted response it received at TIFF. I can understand those that may consider it somewhat formulaic, and casting Naomi Watts as a pregnant Russian prostitute that moonlights as a stripper wasn’t exactly the best idea, but Bill Murray as a grumpy old man with a side to him he doesn’t show the rest of the world is fantastic. Additionally, Jaeden Lieberher as the 12-year-old that eventually befriends him is wonderful, as is Melissa McCarthy in the kind of role she deserves rather than playing up her weight for laughs in half-assed comedies.

That said, this new clip from the film that just premiered isn’t really a clip that’s going to give you much insight into the film considering it plays in the background during the end credits, but suffice to say, I think this is a movie you should check out as it hits theaters on October 10.

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