ROS Journal (6/25/14): 165 Minutes

This evening I will be sitting down with Michael Bay‘s Transformers: Age of Extinction. As a member of the press you must show up about 45 minutes before the film starts, which means I’m looking at being in the the theater for about three hours and 30 minutes as a result of this latest bout of Bayhem. No problem, and I would say last night I was actually looking forward to seeing the movie, if only a little bit. Then I watched Bay’s The Island as I’m…

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…preparing to do a ranking of Bay’s films for tomorrow after seeing Age of Extinction and I currently feel as if I’ll have to treat the first three Transformers films as one as I don’t have any plans to rewatch Revenge of the Fallen or Dark of the Moon again, that would mean nearly another five hours just to learn… what? That Revenge of the Fallen is bad and Dark of the Moon is only a little better? After two hours and 45 minutes with Age of Extinction and over two hours with Transformers, I think I’ll have my Transformers fill.

All that said, and getting back on point, The Island showed me there is always that point in a Michael Bay movie where I tend to say to myself, “There is still an hour left in this?” It’s sort of unbelievable how long he manages to make his movies and now a fourth Transformers running nearly three hour? The man has learned absolutely nothing from his past features.

As for The Island, I was sitting there watching it, thinking to myself, “Why do I remember not liking this all that much, it’s actually pretty good? Then Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson escape and it turns into a 90 minute chase sequence before abruptly ending. It’s the Michael Bay film with an idea that gives up on its idea to become a standard Michael Bay film.

I don’t want to reveal what my favorite Michael Bay film is, I’ll save that for tomorrow, but had the final two-thirds of The Island been remotely as interesting as the first two thirds it would probably be #1.


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