I just discussed a few things with Jeff Wells over at Hollywood-Elsewhere.com, chatting up thoughts on the Oscar race as it stands now, which should be online either some time tonight or in the next 24 hours or so, but I’ll let you know once it’s live. Other than that, it was a tough week for me, dealing with this sickness, but now…
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…that it’s over it’s on to bigger and better things. I have a lot to try and do this weekend in prep for next week, but one thing Laremy and I are hoping to do is get that Transformers audio commentary recorded and see how that plays out.
I also wasn’t able to get to the Best Movies stuff I wanted to do this week and hopefully I can get that together for next week as well.
Overall, I’m just happy my throat is on the mend and I can get back to covering movies properly. Hope you all have a great weekend.