If recent reports surrounding Star Wars: Episode VII are true, it sounds to me like a group of mercenaries, which some are calling “Jedi Hunters”, are searching for the children of Han Solo and Princess Leia, possibly because Leia has ties to Jedi lineage and the goal is to seek out and destroy all Jedi. This, it sounds to me (and I am just speculating here), might be the plot of the film and from within this we’ll likely find a bigger and badder evil pulling all the strings to further be explored in Episode VIII and Episode IX.
So far it sounds like Lupita Nyong’o and Adam Driver are most definitely one of these Jedi hunting villains, most likely members of the Order of the Sith Lords or mercenaries working for the Sith, and it’s now being rumored David Oyelowo (The Butler, Rise of the Planet of the Apes) will round out the trio.
There are more nuggets of plot information to be found at Latino Review, but I largely culled this post together from The Playlist‘s report because it was lean and, I don’t think, spoilery.