One of the aspects of The Avengers most people enjoyed was the inclusion of The Incredible Hulk, played by Mark Ruffalo and voiced by Lou Ferrigno. Standalone films centered on the big green guy haven’t exactly done all that well, but as a supporting character he definitely worked. Now, with a familiarity around the character growing and will only continue to grow in next year’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, there is talk once again about taking another stab at a solo feature.
Previously, Ferrigno said a standalone film might be on the horizon some time after Age of Ultron and now Ruffalo is backing up that claim, or, at least giving it a little more credence in an interview with Digital Spy:
“I think they are, for the first time, entertaining the idea of [a standalone film]. When we did The Avengers it was basically ‘No!’, and now there is some consideration for it. But there’s still nothing definitive, not even a skeletal version of what it would be. I look forward to going down that road, if we could crack that nut.”
I’m not familiar enough with the Hulk comics, but I know there are several of them, how exactly they may or may not work into the trajectory the films have taken I have no idea, but I did feel there was something of a missed opportunity not including Hulk in Iron Man 3 seeing how Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Banner (Ruffalo) got on in The Avengers.
There is no shortage of Hulk, however, as we’ll see him again in Avengers: Age of Ultron on May 1, 2015 as well as in the following World Cup commercial for Nike.
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