Following the death of Harold Ramis, director Ivan Reitman has decided to step down from directing Ghostbusters III, but will remain on the project as a producer. The search for a new director is already underway with a script that began with screenwriters Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky working alongside Ramis, Reitman and Dan Aykroyd. Since then Etan Cohen has come on to polish the screenplay and it is now expected they will begin filming that draft late 2014 or early 2015. Yes, it appears Ghostbusters III will finally be made.
Speaking with Deadline, Reitman said of the film, “It’s a version of Ghostbusters that has the originals in a very minor role… I’m not going to say how many Ghostbusters there will be in the new cast, but we are determined to retain the spirit of the original film, and I am pleased that all of this seems to have happened organically.”
Reitman and Sony are already working on a short list of directors and the step after that will be to find a whole new cast of Ghostbusters.