If you thought the nominee title cards used to present each of last night’s Oscar nominees before the envelope was opened and the winners were announced you weren’t alone. The way the Best Picture images were presented were especially impressive if you ask me. Created by Mill+, the design firm behind the design elements for the nomination package as well as the imagery shown during the In Memoriam segment, have revealed their design elements on their blog and I’ve included several her for you to browse.
Directly below (and just above) are the cards used for the Best Picture nominees and I wish they had also uploaded the animated version because the way the card for The Wolf of Wall Street mimicked the blowing away of cocaine into a line graph was excellent, but beggars can’t be choosers.
Instead of including all the pics here, I’ve featured all the Best Picture nominees — The Wolf of Wall Street, 12 Years a Slave, Gravity, Her, Philomena, Nebraska, Dallas Buyers Club, Captain Phillips and American Hustle — and you can check out the full nomination package here, which includes cards for Costume Design, Animated Feature, Director, Makeup and Hairstyling, Original Song, Production Design and Adapted and Original Screenplay.
You can also browse the In Memoriam package here, though I’ve also chosen to those for Harold Ramis, Paul Walker, Peter O’Toole, James Gandolfini and Philip Seymour Hoffman below.
Kudos to Mill+ creative directors Manija Emran and Henry Hobson, this is great work.