Your Box Office Predictions for ‘Paranormal Activity: Marked Ones’, ‘Wolf of Wall Street’, ‘Frozen’ and ‘Walter Mitty’

It’s the beginning of a new year and only 90 people got a jump start on the first weekend of the 2014 RopeofSilicon Box Office Challenge. Good for you, a leg up on the rest of them.

The only new wide release this weekend is the fifth installment in the Paranormal Activity franchise, that being Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of confidence in this one. Laremy predicted only $16.3 million and while the readers went a little higher the aggregate only reached $18.4 million. Is it franchise fatigue that’s believed to be setting in? Is it because the last film dipped 30% from the previous installment? Midnight numbers are not yet in, but I have a feeling this one will at least top $20 million. Parnormal Activity 4 brought in $4.5 million from midnight screenings before opening with $29 million, so keep that in mind once midnight totals are released.

Elsewhere, it’s a consensus that Frozen will top the four films predicted, but we didn’t have you predicting The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug this weekend, which is going for a fourpeat. Will Smaug once again beat out the newest Disney princesses?

Finally, not a lot of expectation set for either The Wolf of Wall Street and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty as Laremy’s predicitons and the reader aggregate are rather similar, though the readers may have the upper hand with slightly higher predictions for both.

I’ve included Laremy’s predictions and the average reader predictions directly below and I’ll be back on Sunday with box office estimates. To see Laremy’s full list of predictions and all 90 reader predictions for this weekend click here.

Laremy’s Predictions

  • Frozen – $20 million
  • Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones – $16.3 million
  • The Wolf of Wall Street – $10.4 million
  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty – $7.9 million

Your Predictions

  • Frozen – $19.9 million
  • Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones – $18.4 million
  • The Wolf of Wall Street – $11 million
  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty – $8.3 million
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