What I Watched, What You Watched #217

This week my free time was largely dominated by coding and design work as I’m still working hard on some new features for the site to be launched no later than the middle of December, but hopefully sooner. I’ve already teased two of the features on Facebook (here and here), but there is a little more than that to come.

As far as movies are concerned, I caught Ender’s Game in theaters (my review here) and at home I watched the Blackfish documentary, on which I’ll be doing a write up on Monday or Tuesday this coming week.

Oh, and I have just started reading a new book, “City of Nets: A Portrait of Hollywood in the 1940s” by Otto Friedrich and after that I have “The Bad and the Beautiful: Hollywood in the Fifties” by Sam Kashner and Jennifer MacNair. I’ve read good things about both and they are two eras in film I know very little about compared to what little nuggets are stored away in my brain regarding the ’60s-today. Problem is, I always have such a hard time remembering things and need to constantly be reminded of certain details.

But hey, that’s enough from me, what did you watch this week?

Movie News
Marvel and DC