‘Dom Hemingway’, ‘Frozen’, ‘Fading Gigolo’ and ‘The Book Thief’ in Today’s MPAA Ratings

We’ll begin today’s MPAA ratings bulletin with the unsurprising R-rating for the profanity-heavy Dom Hemingway, which I saw, enjoyed and reviewed at the Toronto Film Festival this year. Another film I saw in Toronto that also received an R-rating, though I can’t seem to remember what was so “R rated” about it is John Turturro‘s Fading Gigolo. The reason for the rating is listed as “some sexual content, language and brief nudity,” and it’s just a little surprising all that “some” and some “brief” nudity gets an R when I don’t remember anything all that offensive at all. You can read my review right here.

Next is the upcoming Fox title The Book Thief based on the best selling novel and it gets a none-too-surprising PG-13 rating while Disney’s upcoming animated feature Frozen scores a PG.

I’ve listed the complete bulletin directly below.

A Birder’s Guide To Everything
Rated R For some language and crude references.
Rated PG-13 For some violence and intense depiction of thematic material.
Release Date: November 15, 2013
Rated R For sexual content, nudity, pervasive language, some violence and drug use.
Release Date: April 4, 2014
Rated R For some sexual content, language and brief nudity.
Release Date: TBA 2014
Rated PG For some action and mild rude humor.
Release Date: November 27, 2013
Girl On A Bicycle
Rated R For some sexuality, nudity and language.
Rated PG-13 For bloody images and brief strong language.
Independence Day-Saster
Rated PG-13 For some sci-fi action/violence.
The Invisible Woman
Rated R For some sexual content.
Release Date: , 2014
Seasons Of Gray: A Modern Day Joseph Story
Rated PG-13 For a scene of violence and some thematic elements.
Sorority Party Massacre
Rated R For violence, language, sexual content and brief drug use.
The Unknown Known
Rated PG-13 For some disturbing images and brief nudity.
The Wait
Rated R For some sexual content, brief nudity, language and drug use.
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