Theatrically, The Avengers was the best Marvel movie yet, but an attempt to rewatch it didn’t go as smoothly. However, while my Thor: The Dark World (or Thor 2 as everyone will refer to it) will have to offer. Today we learned one thing it will offer is more Joss Whedon that originally expected.
The screenplay was written by Christopher Yost, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, but apparently director Alan Taylor was having some issues with a trio of scenes, an like an Avenger himself, Whedon was “airlifted” to the set to save the day.
Taylor tells of his heroics to SFX (via Comic Book Movie):
“Joss came in to save our lives a couple of times. We had a major scene that was not working on the page at all in London, and he basically got airlifted in, like a SWAT team or something. He came down, rewrote the scene, and before he got back to his plane I sort of grabbed him and said, ‘And this scene and this scene?’ And he rewrote two other scenes that I thought had problems. Then finally we let go of him, he took off again, and we shot the scenes; and they were just much better and much lighter on their feet. Much more fun, much more surprising than what we had been trying to do. I can relate to guys who come out of the TV world, since that’s where I come from. And being able to land and work and solve a problem quickly… I really was grateful.”
I’m sure the scenes Whedon assisted on will become the source of blog posts immediately following the film’s November 8 release or shortly thereafter, but for now just know that it seems Whedon is now viewed as the franchise’s savior, but is it a franchise that even needed saving?