I just woke up after flying for approximately 28 straight hours from Nice to Seattle, so it’s safe to say I’m a little groggy. Other than seeing (and still having to write reviews for) Roman Polanski‘s Venus in Fur and Jim Jarmusch‘s Only Lovers Left Alive (pictured) from my time in Cannes (two films I quite enjoyed), I did watch a few movies on the plane, which I normally never do.
On the flight from Nice to New York’s JFK I watched Broken City, which really could have been a lot worse, and The Expendables 2, which is almost embarrassingly bad, but in ways I’m pretty sure they are quite aware of. It’s not as if they are going for high art with those films, so when Chuck Norris and Arnold Schwarzenegger just sort of pop up out of nowhere and continue to utter some truly awful lines and catchphrases it’s quite obvious they are looking to appeal to an audience that will find that funny. I didn’t.
Other than that, I watched the first episode of “Dexter” season seven on the flight from JFK to Seattle. Now that’s a show I haven’t watched in ages and it was sort of fun to return to it. Then, when I got home I was starving so I had a little food and watched an episode of “Hannibal” from a couple weeks ago. Still enjoying that show and still hoping they don’t cancel it.
So, I’ll be working on those two reviews for Monday and other than that, it’s now your turn… What did you watch this past week?