Disney’s new animated film, Frozen, originated as an adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen” from a pitch by co-director Chris Buck and the synopsis for the film has long been available.
When Anna is cursed by her estranged sister, the cold-hearted Snow Queen, Anna’s only hope of reversing the curse is to survive a perilous but thrilling journey across an icy and unforgiving landscape. Joined by a rugged, thrill-seeking outdoorsman, his one-antlered reindeer and a hapless snowman, Anna must race against time, conquer the elements and battle an army of menacing snowmen if she ever hopes to melt her frozen heart.
Today, however, a new piece of the puzzle comes into play with the concept art (via Los Angeles Times) of Arendelle you see above, a kingdom trapped in eternal winter.
Chris Buck directs with Jennifer Lee and as of now the announced members of the voice cast include Kristen Bell as Anna, and Josh Gad as Olaf, the outdoorsman referenced above. Both can be seen in the previously released concept art you see here.
Idina Menzel voices Elsa, the Snow Queen, and Jonathan Groff voices a character named Kirstoff.
Frozen is currently slated for a November 27 release and it’s interesting to see much more high quality animated films coming out of the recently dormant Disney Animation Studio rather than Pixar. Over the last couple of years films such as Tangled and Wreck-It Ralph surpassed Pixar’s Cars 2 and Brave and it will be interesting to see if Frozen can outlast the latest Pixar sequel, Monsters University once it hits theaters at the end of the year.