This following look at Blade Runner isn’t entirely ground-breaking, but I particularly enjoyed the commentary on how Frank Lloyd Wright‘s architecture in the film hints at clues to the narrative. The video’s creator, Steven Benedict, clearly was able to pick up on some clues most of us wouldn’t be able to pick out without the proper knowledge, and adding any kind of new layer to this film is alright in my book.
I do, however, have one little nit to pick over his comment on the eyes, especially as it pertains to Deckard. It’s the general consensus that Deckard is a Replicant and all the Replicants eyes glow differently than those of humans, but it’s not entirely consistent throughout the film and if I remember correctly Deckard’s eyes don’t glow, or at least nowhere near as consistently as Roy, Rachael, Pris, et. al. It’s been some time since I watched the film, but if anyone can back me up (or correct me on that) in the comments it would be appreciated.