Once again, another week packed with movies, three in theaters and eight at home as I did everything I could to see everything I could before today’s noon deadline to submit my nomination ballot for the Critics’ Choice Awards. Here are the eleven I managed to watch from Monday thru Saturday.
- Promised Land
- Quartet
- Pitch Perfect
- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (read my review here)
- The Gatekeepers
- Zero Dark Thirty
- Insomnia (this week’s Movie Club entry)
- Django Unchained
- The Rabbi’s Cat
- Le Tableau
- Silver Linings Playbook
Of the list, three of the films ended up making my ballot for Best Picture and one film made it for Best Animated Feature, one Best Director nomination, two Supporting Actor nominations, two Best Actress, one Acting ensemble, one Original Screenplay, one Adapted Screenplay and then a few other below-the-line nominations.
There are two things I will say about the films above, however, 1.) Le Tableau and Prometheus are thematically the same movie and 2.) last night I tweeted the following and I will be elaborating on it in an article later this week: “Anyone with beef against Silver Linings Playbook due to the third act clearly wasn’t paying attention during the Hemingway scene.” If you’ve seen the film you know what I’m talking about and hopefully understand what I’m saying and if you haven’t seen it yet, be patient, I have a feeling the Weinstein Co. is just waiting for the SAG, Critics’ Choice and Golden Globe nominations that are coming this week before ushering it into more theaters.
Otherwise, that does it for me this week. I’m a little tired and a little weary and am anxious to not watch movies for a few hours and enjoy a little football. However, I am interested in reading what you watched this weekend and what you thought of it. Any of you make it to the theaters? Speak up!