There are always rumors, confirmations and more rumors going around when it comes to the Marvel universe of films. With so many properties from Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America, the Avengers team as a whole, the upcoming television show “S.H.I.E.L.D.” and everything that spins off from each of those properties it’s impossible to keep a lid on all of it.

Recently it was Guardians of the Galaxy (8/1/14), which will be the second team-driven Marvel feature after The Avengers and is expected to take place in the same universe, so much so the villain in the film may have already been witnessed.
As has long been speculated, Thanos (the character seen in the post-credits seen in The Avengers) is expected to appear in Guardians of the Galaxy in some form or another and then find his way into The Avengers 2 (5/1/15). There has been little to no confirmation of this coming true until now.
First, rumored Marvel insider Roger Wardell recently tweeted, “Thanos will be the mastermind of Marvel’s Phase II, so don’t just expect to see him in The Avengers 2.” The “just” there seems to be the operative word as Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige recently gave the following quote to MTV:
Clearly, there’s a purpose to us putting him in the end of [The Avengers). We do have plans for him. I wouldn’t say we ever feel the need to rush anything one way or the other. We succeeded in Phase One because we stuck to our guns and stuck to the plan. That plan took place over many, many years and it ultimately paid off. I see Phase Two unfolding in the same way of us taking our time, us doing what’s right for each individual movie, while folding in elements that will not only build up to the culmination of Phase Two, but even Phase Three.
From as much as I can tell, it seems it may be best to expect Thanos to be hinted at in Guardians of the Galaxy at least and perhaps Marvel will do with Thanos in Iron Man 3 (5/3/13), Thor: The Dark World (11/8/13) and Captain America: The Winter Soldier (4/14/14) what they did with S.H.I.E.L.D. in those movies only to bring everything together for The Avengers 2.

As far as Avengers 2 is concerned, it seems writer/director Joss Whedon has as close to full control as one can get telling the Huffington Post, “I think there’s a level of trust… Kevin Feige and I have always had mutual respect, and on the first movie he was very supportive. But there were definitely things where they were like, ‘Hmm, we don’t see that.’ And I think now Kevin’s in a place where it would be more like, ‘We don’t see it, but we think you do.”
Whedon elaborates on how much control he has by adding:
“[T]hat doesn’t mean they’re just going to roll over and I’m going to say, ‘Oh, it’s ‘Great Lakes Avengers’ and we’re going to get Squirrel Girl and you’re gonna love it.’… [T]hey need to believe. But all I want to do is make the movie that they want. And so it’s been great. We’re having that same kind of, ‘What if? Oh, and what if?’ And ‘I was thinking it would be funny … ooh ooh ooh.’ There’s definitely a level of earned trust, but as with any good studio head or producer, that doesn’t mean a free pass.”
One character that will surely be back for Avengers 2, and I wonder if he’ll be seen before then as I’d love to see him side-by-side with Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) in Iron Man 3, is the Hulk, which Feige still hasn’t abandoned the idea of potentially giving the big green guy another stab at his own film.
Speaking with MTV, Feige said, “Do I think Hulk can carry a movie and be as entertaining as he was in Avengers? I do believe that. I do believe he absolutely could. We certainly are not even going to attempt that until Avengers 2, So there’s a lot of time to think about it.” He also added, “I don’t think there’s a lot that we couldn’t do someday, as the cinematic universe continues to grow and expand and get as big as the comic book universe. ‘Planet Hulk‘ is a cool story. ‘World War Hulk‘ is a cool story.'”
Meanwhile, while speculation continues on films that haven’t been made yet, some films are underway, about to be or are even close to offering up their first trailers.
To begin, Marvel co-president Louis D’Esposito tells FilmJunkies a first trailer for Iron Man 3 will likely be ready “mid to late October”. Previously mentioned Marvel rumor-ologist Roger Wardell also got to talking about Tony Stark and says, “Something that was very overlooked in The Avengers, but is still of great importance is that Tony Stark has access to Thor’s DNA.” Whatever could that mean?
Speaking of Thor, Thor 2 is currently filming and enjoying plenty of coverage in the form of set photos (here, here, here and here) and video (watch to the right).
And filming sooner rather than later is Captain America: The Winter Soldier of which Anna Kendrick is rumored for the lead female role alongside the likes of Felicity Jones and Imogen Poots. When asked about her participation by Ain’t It Cool News all she had to say was, “All I know is that I can not really say anything. Sorry, man.” Learned a lot right?
One person who is talking about his role in the film is Anthony Mackie who plays a character named Falcon. Speaking with MTV (here and here) about the role you get the following video interview.