Meet Dr. Bruce Banner in New ‘Avengers’ Clip

A new clip from The Avengers has been released, this one featuring a sit down conversation with Dr. Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and it appears to give the impression Banner has a bit of a temper… Who knew?

The clip obviously reminds us of the shack we saw Edward Norton chilling in at the end of The Incredible Hulk, which reminds me of a comment Marvel studio chief Kevin Feige made recently regarding the Easter Egg at the end of that film and how it made things a little difficult when it came to continuing the narrative in The Avengers.

Speaking with The Huffington Post (via The Playlist), Feige said of the scene, which featured Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) meeting General Ross (William Hurt) in a bar and suggested the assembling of The Avengers:

“I will say that the Tony Stark cameo in The Incredible Hulk required us to [laughs] get ourselves out of a corner… We do not follow up on that scene in the narrative in any of the subsequent features. But, for fans, which are really the only people going, ‘Hey, wait a minute. What about when Tony Stark walked into the room and talked to General Ross?’ There’s a short film on the Captain America DVD that wraps that up and explains that. So, all the dots are connected and most of them didn’t paint us into a corner. But I would say that is probably the closest one that almost did.”

The short Feige is referring to is actually on the Thor Blu-ray and is called “The Consultant.” You can watch the referred to Easter Egg right here if you need a refresher.

Now here’s that clip… The Avengers hits theaters on May 4.

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