2012 Oscars Live Blog: Winners and Live Commentary!

[5:16:24 PM] Laremy says: The first award of the night is Cinematography. If it doesn’t go to Tree of Life my dream of a perfect predicting night will go down in flames, once again.

[5:19:05 PM] Brad says: Yup, and I’m scared… I want to go 24 for 24 and brag for ten whole minutes!

[5:20:16 PM] Brad says: Clearly the advertisements for ABC’s awful television shows is going to be a nuisance all night.

[5:22:25 PM] Brad says: Tom Hanks is taking us to a place we never get to go… a hallway. This is intense.

[5:23:29 PM] Laremy says: I like watching the ceremony just to escape the red carpet.

[5:25:33 PM] Laremy says: Chris Rock sighting! I love his early work.

[5:26:29 PM] Brad says: We survived the red carpet… the show is about to begin and we’ll see just how well I did on my predictions… oh, and some awards will be handed out.

[5:27:44 PM] Laremy says: My prediction: Brad will beat me by a single call (Time Freak) but I’ll still get a healthy 19 correct.

[5:28:53 PM] Brad says: Laremy is doing his best to lower expectations so he can brag if he beats me. That’s okay, he needs a win.

[5:29:26 PM] Laremy says: I regret nothing.

[5:30:34 PM] Brad says: Billy Crystal looks a lot like Morgan Freeman.

[5:30:50 PM] Laremy says: That made me laugh.

[5:31:57 PM] Laremy says: Billy Crystal plugs his movie in the first minute of the telecast. That’s amazing.

[5:35:24 PM] Laremy says: How did Mission Impossible 4 make it into the opening montage? Was there no other way to segue there?

[5:36:14 PM] Laremy says: I give the opening montage a solid D+. Tough crowd.

[5:36:33 PM] Brad says: Bored already… Not sure if it’s because the movies inspire little interest or because that opening movie mash-up montage just wasn’t very good.

[5:37:55 PM] Laremy says: Field of Dreams reference! So modern!

[5:38:27 PM] Brad says: Now Billy’s going into song and dance. Laremy is dancing as well. He does that.

[5:39:03 PM] Laremy says: Nothing wrong with a little dancin’.

[5:39:30 PM] Brad says: The ladies in the room are mad Billy Crystal enticed Jonah Hill with cupcakes. Jonah laughed, don’t think he thought it was that funny. I didn’t.

[5:40:24 PM] Brad says: So Justin Bieber was in the opening to attract the 18-24 demographic… if that worked they all left once this began.

[5:40:52 PM] Laremy says: You can tell The Academy Awards were petrified by Franco/Hathaway – so they’ve gone as safe as humanly possible. The only way this could be safer is if it was wearing a helmet.

[5:42:15 PM] Brad says: Here it comes, first award for Cinematography with Tom Hanks presenting… let’s go Tree of Life.

[5:42:37 PM] Laremy says: At this point I’m expecting someone to say “I just flew in from Kansas City … and boy are my arms tired!” #wocka

5:43:36 PM: And the winner for Cinematography is Hugo

[5:43:51 PM] Brad says: Well there you go… one wrong already.

[5:44:13 PM] Laremy says: Does this mean Hugo is in for a big night?

[5:44:37 PM] Brad says: It could, but that isn’t much of a surprise, let’s see who takes Art Direction.

5:45:12 PM: And the winner for Art Direction is Hugo

[5:45:32 PM] Brad says: Boom, two right out the gates for Hugo and I am one for two.

[5:45:51 PM] Laremy says: Look out, there’s a Hugo train a ‘comin! Also, I’m back to .500.

[5:46:20 PM] Brad says: They are bouncing through these fast already, which tells me we may have some real junk in the middle.

[5:48:12 PM] Brad says: Sources tell us Costumes are up next, which Laremy and I also have Hugo winning. Can it go 3-for-3 right out of the gates? Is The Artist‘s mojo in trouble already?

[5:52:30 PM] Brad says: Forrest Gump, Titanic, The Princess Bride, Ghost, Jaws and more in a montage with… Twilight?

[5:53:27 PM] Brad says: We all know it’s in there to appease a silly demographic, but it doesn’t fit in any world with the other movies included. And it was the third film. What?

[5:54:30 PM] Brad says: “Please welcome recurring dream or mine… Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez” – nice line Billy… costumes up now.

[5:54:50 PM] Laremy says: This needs to be Hugo

5:55:35 PM: And the winner for Costumes is The Artist

[5:55:51 PM] Brad says: Take that Hugo and your presumed sweep. Get off your War Horse.

[5:56:13 PM] Laremy says: I think that Artist win suggests we’re headed back to a chalk night. Sorry Hugo.

[5:56:53 PM] Brad says: Diaz and Lopez stick around to hand out Makeup as we continue to move along quickly…

5:58:09 PM: And the winner for Makeup is The Iron Lady

[5:59:36 PM] Laremy says: Okay, two for four, but the next few are considered settled (Spencer, A Separation, Editing, Sound).

[6:00:44 PM] Laremy says: I think they are actually still a few minutes ahead, B-Luv. 6:03 is scheduled to be Foreign Language …

[6:02:08 PM] Laremy says: It might just feel like it’s going too quickly because you love it sooooooo much.

[6:06:35 PM] Brad says: Sandra Bullock is here to give us Best Foreign Language film, and she’s giving us an introduction in German…

[6:06:40 PM] Laremy says: Sandra Bullock busted out the German on us! Very nicely done.

6:07:25 PM: And the winner for Foreign Language Film is A Separation

[6:07:36 PM] Laremy says: That was the chalkiest of chalk choices.

[6:08:32 PM] Brad says: So I am now 3-for-5 and my chances for getting the rest correct is slim.

[6:09:41 PM] Brad says: Christian Bale is about to deliver the night’s first major award… Best Supporting Actress.

[6:09:54 PM] Laremy says: I look forward to Octavia Spencer’s speech. She’s been solid all season.

[6:10:50 PM] Brad says: If Octavia Spencer wins for The Help it has to be the first time someone won the Oscar for a character that makes a pie out of poop.

6:12:25 PM: And the winner for Best Supporting Actress is Octavia Spencer (The Help)

[6:15:34 PM] Laremy says: Best Editing up next. This is a big category because the winner usually takes Best Picture. A Hugo victory here could mean we’re headed for Upsetville, population: Scorsese.

[6:18:29 PM] Brad says: Managed to get the dog out to go to the bathroom during the bathroom break and we’re back.

[6:20:35 PM] Brad says: A fake focus group test is what we’re watching now.

[6:20:56 PM] Laremy says: I love Christopher Guest. I give this segment a A- out of respect for his prior work, Academy style.

[6:21:07 PM] Brad says: It’s mildly funny, I’ll say that… mildly.

[6:22:15 PM] Brad says: These Oscars are clearly focusing on the stuff in-between rather than the awards. I guess that’s okay, but it’s not “hilarious” as Crystal refers to it.

[6:22:52 PM] Brad says: Tina Fey and Bradley Cooper will now tell us the winner for Editing.

[6:23:11 PM] Laremy says: When I think editing, I think Tina Fey and Bradley Cooper.

6:24:16 PM: And the winner for Film Editing is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

[6:24:27 PM] Brad says: Mixing it up… I like it. A nice surprise.

[6:25:13 PM] Laremy says: So Dragon Tattoo won’t be winning Best Picture, but a nice consolation regardless. Gives us no leads on Artist vs. The Field, unfortunately.

[6:25:25 PM] Brad says: Kirk Baxter and Angus Wall also won last year for The Social Network.

[6:25:38 PM] Laremy says: The Best Editing guys had impeccable timing. Makes sense.

[6:25:40 PM] Brad says: Next up, Sound Editing.

6:25:54 PM: And the winner for Sound Editing is Hugo

[6:27:44 PM] Brad says: And now Sound Mixing… gotta be Hugo again right.

6:28:14 PM: And the winner for Sound Mixing is Hugo

[6:29:14 PM] Brad says: And with that we are going to go to a new page as we enter another hour of Oscar joy. Thanks for being with us and please join us on page three…

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