‘Thor 2’ Finds a New Director in ‘Game of Thrones’ Helmer Alan Taylor

The first name attached to direct Thor 2 was television helmer Brian Kirk. Kirk had directed a few episodes of “Game of Thrones” and one episode of “Boardwalk Empire”, but just as quickly as he was attached his name was no longer mentioned.

Next came Patty Jenkins, director of Monster and AMC’s “The Killing”. She was then bounced with The Hollywood Reporter citing one source that says the following:

Jenkins was so explicit about her vision for the film that she didn’t expect to be hired in the first place. The source speculates that Marvel executives might have been won over initially by [Natalie Portman’s] enthusiasm for Jenkins but then, “when they started to interview writers for the rewrite… may have decided they really weren’t comfortable.”

So who’s next on the Thor train? Well, according to Deadline, they are returning to the “Game of Thrones” pool and have selected Alan Taylor to replace Thor director Kenneth Branagh.

Presumably, Taylor won’t be all, “Hey look, I have an idea,” he’ll be more, “Oh, so you want that cliche? Are you sure you only want the one? We can throw cliches all over the place. How about we have Natalie’s character get in trouble and Thor has to go help her. Oh, and how about Thor gets captured, they don’t kill him right away and instead tell him all about their plan for world domination so he can later escape and foil the plan! Oh man, it’ll be great! It will be just like every superhero movie ever!”

Thor 2 is set to hit theaters on November 15, 2013 with a script from Don Payne. Chris Hemsworth will return as the title star in The Avengers, which will arrive on May 4, 2012.

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