TIFF 2011 First Look: Pics and Posters from Francis Ford Coppola’s ‘Twixt’

Inspired by the gothic horror of Edgar Allen Poe, Francis Ford Coppola’s Twixt has already made some waves after a rather inventive Comic Con panel at which it was reported Coppola and electronic musician Dan Deacon, and possibly other talents, are entertaining the idea of creating a dynamic assembly of the film as it plays to each audience.

“Because cinema is now electronic and digital, it is no longer a long strip of celluloid that has to go the way it was determined,” Coppola said. “Because they are digital files it means the director, if he were there and wanted to take the time to go to each show, he could essentially change the experience to suit the audience.”

To get a larger understanding of what that may mean click here and if you’d like to watch the Comic Con panel for yourself click here.

As for the story, here’s the synopsis:

A writer with a declining career arrives in a small town as part of his book tour and gets caught up in a murder mystery involving a young girl. That night in a dream, he is approached by a mysterious young ghost named V. He’s unsure of her connection to the murder in the town, but is grateful for the story being handed to him. Ultimately he is led to the truth of the story, surprised to find that the ending has more to do with his own life than he could ever have anticipated.

The film stars Val Kilmer, Elle Fanning, Bruce Dern, Alden Ehrenreich, David Paymer and Ben Chaplin and will premiere at the Toronto Film Festival… However, if you read that article I linked to above, how it will be presented remains to be seen.

The 2011 Toronto International Film Festival plays from September 8-18. For my complete coverage click here.

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