FINAL ROUND: 51 Films Left, Nominate Ten for Best Picture of 2010

We had a pretty successful first round of voting for the best films of 2010, but it would have been even better had people been able to follow the simplest rule and voted for eight or more films. You wouldn’t believe how many votes were deleted because people voted for only one film or those that voted for only six or seven. I don’t know how different the results would have been, but it probably would have made some kind of difference when it comes to the films that made the cut for the second round.

As it stands, 51 films made the cut with The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and Catfish tied for fiftieth with 23 votes each. As for the top ten after the first round, it was pretty clear cut:

  1. Inception (753 votes [77.95%])
  2. Black Swan (639 votes [66.15%])
  3. The Social Network (623 votes [64.49%])
  4. Toy Story 3 (562 votes [58.18%])
  5. True Grit (451 votes [46.69%])
  6. 127 Hours (426 votes [44.10%])
  7. The King’s Speech (423 votes [43.79%])
  8. The Fighter (417 votes [43.17%])
  9. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (321 votes [33.23%])
  10. Shutter Island (313 votes [32.40%])

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the voting so far is that the top eight films are eight of the Best Picture nominees and the other two Best Picture nominees, The Kids are All Right and Winter’s Bone, came in 15th and 17th respectively, which tells me when it comes to nominating the year’s best films the Academy did a pretty good job matching up with public opinion based on what we’ve seen with the voting so far. Will it continue into the final round?

I’m sorry if some of the films you voted for didn’t make it this far, but that is why we do two rounds. With the field cut down to 51 you now have to pick your ten favorite from those that remain to give us a little better idea of what a general consensus of the year would be. As with any kind of voting scenario, this is far from precise, but should give us a decent idea as to what the public thinks the best films of the year were.

With that said, let’s revisit the rules one last time:

  • You must vote for no fewer than eight films and can vote for no more than ten.
  • Voting for fewer than eight films will result in having your votes DELETED. No exceptions.
  • Voting will be left open through Sunday, February 6.

Last year Inglourious Basterds was voted #1 followed by Avatar, Up, Star Trek and The Hurt Locker rounding out the top five. This year it looks like Inception will likely take the top spot although Black Swan is putting up a good fight. I just wonder what films may creep into the top ten.

Just on the outside looking in after the first round The Town, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Kick-Ass, How to Train Your Dragon, Blue Valentine, The Ghost Writer, Easy A and Tangled could all possibly come on strong. It will be interesting to see how it all shakes out. But enough talk, it’s time to vote for your favorite ten from the 51 films listed below. If you have a Facebook or Twitter account be sure to share with others. It would be great to get the widest range of opinions possible. Now get to voting!

[poll id = “156”]

BEFORE HITTING “VOTE”: Count your votes, make sure you voted for at least eight and not only seven. Any submissions voting for fewer than eight films will have their votes deleted. No exceptions.

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